
A Long Day of a Student - part 1

That's why I divided it in two parts.

You get up at.... (fill in an hour it usually happens in your case), or rather, your alarm clock’s sound drills into your brain at the hour you are supposed to get up. It seems the middle of the night, regardless the hour, because your shuttles are down and the whole room is pitch black, so as your mind which tries to recall what the hell you did the day before that you are so tired now. Even if you were not drunk the whole evening seems to be blurred and surreal, some silhouettes of people, nargilla smoke, facebook chat with people who you last seen half a year ago, big plans for the upcoming day. The latter image gets especially distorted.
After the first 2 seconds of confusion you make a though, manly decision to stay in bed and skip the first class. Of course it does not go without justification! A. It is boring b. You can do everything that is being done there faster and better by yourself at home, c. You don’t need to see all these faces again, do you?, d. Sleep is essential if you want to get down to some REAL work today, e. What to wear anyway if all your clothes need laundry.
Later you finally roll out of your bed actually feeling bad about missing this class, for ‘what had happened to me where is all my reason?’ I will tell you, the truth is it has been confiscated at the airport, with it you would not be able to make it here for longer than a week. On the way to the next class, you meet other people who did the same thing, and you all convince one another that is was not worth it coz this class will not help you in your future life, besides you are all here to have fun. So before you get to school your mood is much better and you feel perfectly right when after a class instead of heading straight to the library as you once had planned, you go to the cafe to chat with some people about, as we say in my country, Maryna’s ass, i.e. nothing with a hint of unimportance. Second class actually interests you and you sit there mesmerized, realizing how little you know, and how much you would like to study, you compose lists of books to be read as soon as possible and dream about your revolutionary papers in which you are going to surprise and astonish the world with your original views an unique opinions... You feel so excited take a book or two from the library and feeling refreshed by the early evening wind head back to the dorms with a shiny face grabbing a hot chocolate on the way, for of course, you deserve it after this whole studying day. You sit outside for a while, maybe go to a swing smiling to yourself as an idiot. Than it strikes you that apart from planning to astound the world you have homework to do for tomorrow, and it is just so big and ridiculous that you feel a knot in your stomach and an overpowering feeling of disgust to the whole idea of sitting in front of your computer/at your desk with a dictionary or a grammar book or a set of equations ... but you have to. After throwing out the contents of your bag on to your messy bed and putting The Book on the shelf to become a nightmare of your unfulfilled revolutionary dream, a symbol of an ingenious idea you once had in the moment of brightness, you get down to it. Surprisingly after 4o min you have 1/3 of the thing of quite a decent quality, so of course you deserve a break. Yummy sodium glutaminate with a taste of peas from a cup for future cancer and facebook for future blindness and brain cell reduction.

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